Cross Training: Run and Bike

Today I started the run and a cycling training plan from Garmin. For running I choose a half marathon training plan with a Garmin Coach. Garmin gives three options among the coaches from which one can choose.

My first impression from their `promotion' videos was that the three coaches tailored a specific type of athlete: Greg McMillan the young, Amy Parkerson-Mitchell women, and Jeff Galloway the seasoned ones. I chose Jeff Galloway. My choice is not related to his run-walk-run method, even if I recognize it could be effective in recovering from an injury.

What I wanted was to compare Galloway's style to McMillan's[1]. It will not be a proper comparison since I followed the 5K plan of McMillan and I will follow the half marathon plan of Galloway, but for now, it does not matter. I do intend to do McMillan half-marathon plan but at a later stage. Besides being curious about the different training styles, I chose Galloway's plan because it appeared `lighter' than the one offered by McMillan. For example, Galloway promises to keep the training sessions to three per week. Moreover, some workouts stretch only 30 minutes in time. Shorter and fewer workouts promise a low training load, which will help me recover from a recent calf strain.

But yes, three days a week is a bit too few. So I decided to complement my running `rehabilitation' with a biking plan: The Century Bike training. It is also a plan from Garmin and it promises to get cyclists ready for their first 100K cycle. The plan recommends four training days per week, but I do not have them, so three will do. If I manage to keep up also the biking training it could provide a good base for a future project. This summer I would like to cycle almost 300K in a weekend. Moreover, since cycling and running involve different muscles, the training plans allow a nice way to cross-train.


On February 23rd, 2021 I completed the eighth week of the training plan of coach Galloway. I have mixed feelings about the plan, mostly because the training load is lower than what I was used to. It feels as if I am going backward. Maybe, on one hand, it is OK that the load is low because sometimes my strained calf still shoots warnings to take it easy. On the other hand, sometimes after I completed a workout I feel as if I am just getting started. Therefore I decided to update the speed to which I would like to run the half marathon from 4:44 to 4:27. With the previous pace, I would have finished the half marathon in 1 hour 40 minutes. Now I should finish in 1 hour 34 minutes. The new time looks even slightly scary, so I am curious to see if I can make it. But the plan will become more challenging.

[1] When I have the time I will also follow the plan of Amy Parkerson-Mitchell to see if all my stereotypical classification pans out...

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